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Cat Grooming Tips

Cat Grooming Tips

Cats are elegant creatures, born with natural beauty and self-grooming instincts. While your cat probably spends about half of her day grooming herself, she still needs a little help from her pet parent. Cat grooming often consists of brushing, bathing and nail clipping. Grooming not only keeps ...
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Your Cat Essentials

Your Cat Essentials

All cats have some basic needs; providing them will help ensure your cat's long-term health and welfare. If these needs are not met, your cat may feel stressed, which can affect both health and behavior. Listed here are essentials things for cats. Making your house cat friendly will ensure that ...
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Signs Your Cat Is Depressed And How To Help The Kitty Blues

Signs Your Cat Is Depressed And How To Help The Kitty Blues

Feline depression can be difficult to diagnose and may happen for a number of reasons. Cats are highly perceptive and react to their environments easily. Here are some other common triggers that might cause feline depression, so take a look and see if they tick any boxes for your kitty.  ...
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5 Human Foods To Boost Your Cat's Health

5 Human Foods To Boost Your Cat's Health

Although cats should primarily eat cat food — which is specifically designed for their health and digestive needs — there are some human foods that can also be of great benefit to your cat’s health.  We love knowing that these foods&nb...
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10 Signs Your Kitty Actually Loves You

10 Signs Your Kitty Actually Loves You

If you’ve been fortunate enough to share your life with a cat, then you’ll understand that they are consciously connecting with us. Whether it’s via grooming, purring or snuggling up, cats are loving and affectionate individuals that form very special bonds with their favorite people. &nb...
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Showing 221 to 225 of 225 (23 Pages)